Let everythings to Allah.

I'm back, back with full of hope. yes, this time I came back with wounds, I know you're not the first, not that I expect your self first. separation we might make me upset, maybe I'll miss right for life, maybe I'll love until the end of my time, someone else said that I created from a rib man, let men find their own ribs, why do I have to chase things can not be sure? I love you, but right ejad said, "sayang tu ada batasnya ayu". 
we love not to hurt and hurt, but to protect each other.

yup, i still love you even banyak sangat benda sakit dari manis.
tapi setiap kali sakit tu datang, aku cuba ingat yang manis, aku cuba. ! i swear i tried, tried so hard untuk lupakan sakit ni, tapi kenapa satu2 ujian datang. belum habis satu ujian, another ujian datang bertimpa2. 
aku tak berdaya, sumpah. 
ya Allah, hanya kekuatan Kau yang aku minta, kuatkan diri ini saat aku jatuh, tabahkan diri ini saat aku dalam dilema, teguhkan cinta ini saat aku hilang dlm benci. 
aminn.. :')

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